تخطي إلى المحتوى الرئيسي
Victorian Medievalism & A New Culture of Mourning
Queen Victoria's Coronation
Prince Albert’s Death
Queen Victoria & Mourning
Queen Victoria’s Death
"The Victoria Regia"
Alfred, Lord Tennyson’s Legacy & “The Lady of Shalott”
Alfred, Lord Tennyson
Tennyson’s “Idylls of the King”
Tennyson & the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood
Tennyson's Legacy
Tennyson’s Legacy: Howard Pyle
Tennyson's Legacy: Arthur Rackham
Nineteenth Century Women Artists, Medievalism, & Their Legacy
Jessie King & Florence Harrison
Esther Pissarro
Elizabeth Stuart Phelps
Christina Rossetti
Elizabeth Siddal
Ann Alexander, Dorothea Braby, & Sara Hawks Sterling
Julia Margaret Cameron
Nineteenth & Early Twentieth Century Adaptations of the Lady of Shalott by Women
Victoria, Consort of Frederick III & Queen Victoria
Amy Butts & Paolo Priolo
Nora Chesson, Sophia May Bowley, & Frances Brundage
Dora Curtis
Florence Harrison
Eleanor Fortescue-Brickdale
Jessie King
Dorothy B. M. Kerr
The Modern Lady of Shalott
The Modern Lady of Shalott Item Showcase
من 16
49 - 72 من 362
البحث المتقدم
Elaine pg 7
And on the mount of Badon...pg 6
And Arthur came...pg 5
Elaine pg 4
Elaine pg 3
Elaine, the lily maid of Astolat, pg 2
Decorative title for Elaine pg 1
Contents for Idylls of the King
Decorative title for Idylls of the King
Alfred Lord Tennyson portrait
Title for Idylls of the King
Queen Victoria portrait
Prince Albert portrait
Title for The Prince's Progess and Other Poems by Christina Rossetti (Dante Gabriel Rossetti)
You should have wept her yesterday (Dante Gabriel Rossetti)
My Maids Were All About Me
Nor Any Brings Me The Sweet Flowers...
That Wall of Stone That Shut The Flowers...
A Great God's Angel Standing
The Victoria Regia pg 349
The Victoria Regia pg 348
Oh Grief! What have I Done? pg 255
Oh Grief! What have I Done? pg 254
Medieval Sketches by Geraldine Jewsbury pg 94
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